
Residentials Units – Expected savings 6% – 10% By installing a KVAR EC™ adjacent to your electrical panel you will be optimizing the way all motors operate in your home.This means that all motors that allow your fridge, dishwasher, garbage disposal unit, microwave, clothes washing machine and dryer, furnace, thermo pump, air conditioner, pool pump, garage door opener and water pump to operate will work more efficiently, cooler and last longer. Here is what you need to know: A qualified electrician will come to your home to verify your homes Power Factor (PF) and do a quick inventory of the operating motors.The electrician will do this by using one of our patented PF sizing apparatus or a power quality meter to determine the average PF of your home. If that PF can be improved upon by using one of our KVAR EC™ models, the electrician will install the correct unit. Then the last check to be conducted by the electrician is the verification of the new averaged PF. From that point onwards, all motors in your home will run efficiently. You are now saving energy every time motors are in operation. The energy saved will depend on the amount of motor load in your home. We guarantee a minimum of 6% savings on your energy bill. Get the best level of savings off your electric bill by using the best KVAR Energy Controller available in the marketplace. All our KVAR EC™ units are UL listed and CSA certified. We make 93 models for use in residential, commercial and industrial applications. KVAR Energy Savings Inc. is the only provider of green, certified and money back guarantee KVAR Energy Controllers and we are the Master Distributor for Mexico, nationwide and the Texas distributor. 



