About Wind
wind has been harnessed for centuries, it has only recently emerged
as a modern energy solution. Prior to the 21st century, wind power
was often used to pump water from wells and drive grain and textile
mills. Over the last twenty years, advances in technology and
design have reduced the cost of wind energy by more than 80 percent,
making wind the cheapest form of renewable energy. In 2008, UGE
emerged as a world leader in small wind energy based our novel
turbine design, which increases power generation and efficiency
and reduces noise and safety concerns. Our success led to a product
partnership with General Electric and commercial partnerships
with a number of the world's leading distributed energy companies.
can read more about our high-profile
Wind Right for Me?
first question you should ask yourself is if installing a wind
turbine is the right choice for you. Placement of your turbine,
or “siting,” is of the utmost importance when deciding
to install a small wind system. Fortunately, UGE offers full and
unrivaled assistance in this area.
there are some online sources that help you estimate your local
wind speed, wind varies greatly on a small scale and these online
sources may not be relevant for your specific location. There
are several ways we can better assist you! Our first suggestion
is to contact one of our local partners or one of our sales representatives.
experts deal with siting and planning issues every day, and they
will be able to provide you with an estimate of how much energy
a turbine may provide you. They can also help you determine the
best site on your property, be it a roof, lawn, or remote location.
also offer an anemometer to measure wind speeds and weather conditions
on-location called the 1st Step: It’s an easy-to-use, inexpensive,
all-in-one weather station. When you purchase a wind turbine from
UGE, the price of the 1st Step will be credited toward your new
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