We guarantee 6% savings on residential products and provides a 12 year warranty. Commercial and industrial Energy Controllers have a 5 year warranty and no product is deployed and commissioned unless they show a Return on Investment (ROI) of 3 years or less. With a large segment of clients that boast an ROI in terms of months only.






Minimize Your Impact
Capturing the energy that is freely available in the wind and sun, you will be able reduce your impact on the environment - contributing to the health of our planet.








Take Control
Producing your own energy allows you to choose a clean, renewable energy source, allowing you to go green on your own terms.

Live off the grid

Our wind/solar hybrid solutions allow you to live off the grid and overcome unreliable energy sources. Keep the power on.




Save Money
With ever-rising electricity prices, it will be a relief to take charge and lower your utility bills.